Photo of the Port St. Joe Sea and Sky, courtesy of
I was listening to Oprah's Soul Series today on XM Radio. Her guest, Sarah Ban Breathnach, is one of my favorite authors. Her book, Simple Abundance, was life changing for me. After reading it, I began the daily ritual of keeping a gratitude journal --writing down at least five things each day for which I am grateful. Once I began this practice, I found that the only thing difficult about it was limiting the list to just five things each day -- so, of course, I don't limit it. I just allow that gratitude to grow and grow. . .
And you know, this process of daily blessing counting has caused those blessings to multiply exponentially in my life. So today, as we prepare for Thanksgiving, I give thanks for the last few amazing weeks of my life where BIG dreams truly have come true. Also, I wanted to offer a little inspiration of my own to you. Below is an updated version of My Abundant List . . . may it inspire you to make a list of your own today, and
Feel the joy of realizing your own dreams have ALREADY come true!
Make a list today.
A list of things to feel grateful for right now, in this moment.
A list of happy childhood memories you can share with your children.
A list of happy childhood memories you can share with your children.
A list of positive attributes others would use to describe you.
A list of little things in life you will no longer take for granted.
A list of dreams in life that have already come true for you.
A list of moments you won something in life . . .
And a list of moments you learned something valuable instead.
A list of moments you won something in life . . .
And a list of moments you learned something valuable instead.
A list of memories that take your breath away.
A list of kindnesses bestowed upon you within the past week, month, or year.
A list of facts the world would be surprised to learn about you.
A list of choices you’ve made that made a difference in your life.
A list of values you hold most dear.
A list of opportunities open to you right now, just waiting to be seized.
A list of qualities your children possess that make your heart sing.
A list of people who have touched your life in such a powerful way that you will always feel their presence.
A list of people who have touched your life in such a powerful way that you will always feel their presence.
A list of every moment that made you smile during the past week.
A list of books you think everyone should read.
A list of what you can do today to brighten another person’s life.
A list of the reasons why you fell in love with your husband and . . .
A list of reasons why you love him even more today.
A list of all the people who have ever called you friend.
A list of what you find beautiful in your home.
A list of lessons your children have taught you.
A list of practical items you are grateful to own.
A list of all the things that make you happy right now.
Give thanks for a life so abundant that you were able to make such a list!
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